Showing 76 - 100 of 388 Results
A Catalogue Of English Coins V1, Anglo-Saxon Series: In The British Museum (1887) by Keary, Charles Francis, Poo... ISBN: 9781120256348 List Price: $51.95
The Saxon Dynasty: Pedigree of the Kentish Kings by Jenkins, Robert Charles ISBN: 9781141701964 List Price: $18.75
The Saints and Missionaries of the Anglo-Saxon Era (Volume 2); First [and Second] Series by Adams, Daniel Charles Octavius ISBN: 9781152596122 List Price: $25.69
British Weights and Measures as Described in the Laws of England From Anglo-Saxon Times by Watson, Charles Moore ISBN: 9781151937148 List Price: $20.00
The Saxon Dynasty: Pedigree of the Kentish Kings by Jenkins, Robert Charles ISBN: 9781145108899 List Price: $18.75
Two of the Saxon Chronicles Parallel: Introduction, Notes, and Index. 1899 by Plummer, Charles, Earle, John ISBN: 9781143549922 List Price: $46.75
England Before the Norman Conquest: Being a History of the Celtic, Roman and Anglo-Saxon Per... by Sir Charles William Chadwic... ISBN: 9781143508349 List Price: $48.75
The Anglo-Saxon Version of the Life of St. Guthlac, Hermit of Crowland by Goodwin, Charles Wycliffe ISBN: 9781146923804 List Price: $21.75
The Legend of St. Juliana, Translated from the Latin of the Acta Sanctorum and the Anglo-Sax... by Kennedy, Charles William, C... ISBN: 9781147282009 List Price: $17.75
A Catalogue of English Coins in the British Museum: Anglo-Saxon Series ... by Keary, Charles Francis, Bri... ISBN: 9781147978377 List Price: $36.75
The Anglo-Saxon Legends of St. Andrew and St. Veronics: Ed. for the Cambridge Antiquarian So... by Andrew, Goodwin, Charles Wy... ISBN: 9781148356273 List Price: $17.75
The Saxon Dynasty: Pedigree Of The Kentish Kings (1867) by Jenkins, Robert Charles ISBN: 9781165890378 List Price: $14.36
The Anglo-Saxon Legends Of St. Andrew And St. Veronica (1851) by Goodwin, Charles Wycliffe ISBN: 9781437162592 List Price: $16.95
The Legend of St. Juliana, Translated from the Latin of the Acta Sanctorum and the Anglo-Sax... by Kennedy, Charles William, C... ISBN: 9781147372663 List Price: $17.75
Two of the Saxon Chronicles Parallel V1: Text, Appendices and Glossary by Plummer, Charles, Earle, John ISBN: 9781432544591 List Price: $36.95
Panky in the Saddle by Saxon, Nancy, Saxon, Charles ISBN: 9780590336161 List Price: $2.25
Panky and William by Saxon, Nancy, Saxon, Charles ISBN: 9780689309977 List Price: $10.95
Panky in Love by Saxon, Nancy, Saxon, Peter,... ISBN: 9780689311017 List Price: $12.95
Saxon Church and the Norman Conquest by Cruttwell, Charles Thomas ISBN: 9781428638815 List Price: $28.95
Anglo-Saxon Grammar and Exercise Book by Smith, Charles Alphonso ISBN: 9780548823361 List Price: $24.95
The Saints and Missionaries of the Anglo-Saxon Era: First [and Second] Series (1897-1901) by Daniel Charles Octavius Adams ISBN: 9781112168390 List Price: $29.99
The Anglo-Saxon Legends Of St. Andrew And St. Veronica by Charles Wycliffe Goodwin ISBN: 9781446053867 List Price: $26.45
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